Windows 8.1 Pro Pack on a new computer

windowswindows 8windows 8.1

I have received a replacement computer that has Windows 8.1 pre-installed. The previous computer stopped working and has been destroyed.

I have gone to upgrade it to Windows 8.1 Pro and it accepted the product key but the next day it won't allow me to activate Windows because the product key is in use on another computer.

How do I somehow notify that the previous computer is no longer a computer (it's probably in a thousand pieces by now) and that I am correctly licensed and should be allowed to activate it on this replacement computer.

Best Answer

Microsoft usually provides an alternative method to activate copies of Windows that have been flagged as in use on another computer, usually by phoning Microsoft and activating over the phone. Your activation screen should have this option on the same page that tells you it is in use. For example, on the following screen, click Call Support:

enter image description here

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