Windows 8.1 is asking for a password instead of PIN to login

windows 8.1

I restarted my Windows 8.1 notebook into safe mode, and now I need to login with a password.

Normally I login with my pin number. I don't remember setting up a password, but it won't accept an empty one.

update: I configured booting into safe mode with the program msconfig, so now it probably always starts in safe mode. Is there a way to change this into normal mode?

  1. I want to boot into normal mode
  2. I want Win 8.1 is ask for a PIN instead of password at logon

How can I achieve this?

Best Answer

Firstly, make sure you've selected Normal Startup, or at least Selective Startup with System Services enabled in msconfig

enter image description here

And make sure you uncheck Safe boot

enter image description here

Once you're booting in Normal Startup, the service that handles PIN login will be re-enabled (only password is available in Safe Mode or Diagnostic Mode).

After that, login using your PIN once (clicking the icon below), it will then default to PIN from then onwards.

enter image description here

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