Windows 8.1 error: Not enough memory to move a file

memorywindows 8

I have Windows 8.1 installed on a machine with an i5 at 2.5 Ghz and 16GB of installed RAM. There is about 80GB free disk space. When I'm trying to move one file from one folder to another, I get this error:

There is not enough memory to complete this operation.

The size of the file is a bit under 3 KB.
The system barely uses 2GB of memory right now. I also let the system manage the virtual memory settings, since I thought maybe changing those would create some unforeseen problems. But still Windows 8.1 can't move a small file from one place to another, although there are plenty of system resources. I'm also using admin privileges so I don't think this could be an issue.

Best Answer

I have been facing same issue for a while, found that the shortcuts which give this error are actually in Public Desktops. Go in users>public>public desktops and delete it from there. It will update user specific desktop as well

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