Windows 8.1 DISM error 0x800f0906

dismwindows 8.1

I've had some issues with my laptop recently. It would randomly freeze and become unresponsive, and now completely fails to load anything on Chrome (strangely, incognito mode still works). I ran SFC multiple times and it would state there were errors that it was unable to fix, tried running SFCFix with no success. Now SFC is coming back with no errors, but DISM is showing error 0x800f0906. I ran Tweaking Windows Repair and still nothing seems to have changed.

Any idea what might be causing the issue?

EDIT: Logs attached below



Also, I ran chkdsk and it found 168KB in bad sectors.

Best Answer

Since Google Chrome seems to be the main issue,

  • Save your Chrome profile (),
  • Uninstall Chrome,
  • Reboot, to be sure all old files are deleted,
  • Reinstall Chrome,
  • Restore the old profile, as above.

You also might benefit from reinstalling Windows 8.1 using the ISO from Microsoft. However, with the "end of [Windows 8.1] Mainstream Support on January 9, 2018, and end of Extended Support on January 10, 2023," you might look into an alternative, currently supported, OS such as Windows 10 or Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (which claims support through 2028).

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