Windows 8.1 apps won’t open or load

windowswindows 8.1windows-store-app

First off, I'm aware of several existing posts that probably deal with same issue, but I think I'm having a unique problem and have tried a lot of things, but to no avail.

(1) Here is my system information

OS: Windows 8.1 Enterprise X86
CPU: Corel i3 X64          

(2) Problem in detail
(a). Windows apps won't open or load, I can however open WallStreetJournal app, but it wouldn't load the content and it kind of get stuck in there when launched.
(b). As strange as it may sound, I can still download and install apps from App Store, but it just won't open

(3) Additional info
(a). This problem arises just recently
(b). I have turned off Windows automatic update, but I regularly check and install Windows defender updates
(c). The major desktop apps I'm using are Adobe creative suite cs6. The Illustrator CS6 crashes very often, I don't know why and I don't know if it had anything to do with the app problem I'm having

(4) Things I have tried (but to no avail)
(a). delete all files located on windows/software distribution
(b). run sfc /scannow (it reports I have cbs.log file corrupted)
(c). run Windows store troubleshooter


Best Answer

I would first boot windows up with only the essential boot items. This can be accomplished through the task manager under the startup tab. Failing that working refresh the system which will keep your data intact but reload the OS. You will have to reinstall programs from scratch.

You could also try running a chkdsk /R from an elevated command prompt.

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