Windows 8.1 Bug – Fixing Alt-Tab Bug in Specific Programs

alt-tabwindows 8

Whenever I am in a game of League of Legends and I try to Alt + Tab, Windows 8.1 generates extra programs that are not open, and if I accidentally select some of them, Windows 8.1 will open them. Here's what it looks like:

Enter image description here

The "Other programs" besides Chrome and League of Legends are not open. They include "Search Pane", "Skype", and the rest of them have no name, or no action when you tab to them. This only happens when I'm in game, Alt + Tab functions correctly at all other times.

Best Answer

Think I might have your solution:
Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer and delete setting named AltTabSettings

It does change the look of the Alt-Tab screen, but I think it's more modern looking.

Just for added knowledge:
Alt+Tab > shows Desktop Applications.
Win+Tab > shows Metro Applications


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