Windows 7 XP Mode: Passing command-line parameters to VM apps

command linemicrosoft-virtual-pcwindows 7windows-xp-mode

Does anyone know a way to pass command line parameters to virtualized programs inside an XP Mode VM?

I have a VM with Internet Explorer6 installed (and another with Internet Explorer7), and using the shortcut publishing functionality I can launch those from the host OS (Windows 7). But I don't want to just launch them, I want command line parameters to them.

The end goal here is that I want to use a Firefox Extension provide "View in Internet Explorer6", "View in Internet Explorer7" and "View in Internet Explorer8" context menus for a page. The native one is easy, as it would just call "iexplorer.exe %1" where %1 is replaced with the current URL, like any old shortcut. It's passing to the VM apps that's tricky…

I tried just adding another parameter to the shortcut I have (which launches VMSal.exe) but that doesn't work…

Best Answer

Either pass it on through a VBscript, start cmd and run it there or use a batch file in XP mode.

VMSal.exe does not support parameter passing...

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