Windows 7 x64: TrustedInstalled.exe is missing

serviceswindowswindows 7

Windows 7 Ultimate x64.

The TrustedInstaller service is failing to start with an error about a file missing, and sure enough C:\Windows\servicing\TrustedInstaller.exe is missing.

What is the easiest way to restore this file? I can't run SFC from within Windows, because that results in the error "Windows Resource Protection could not start the repair service"… which happens if the trusted installer service is not running.

Best Answer

The following two commands will allow write access to the Servicing folder:

takeown /f c:\windows\servicing
icacls c:\windows\servicing /grant administrators:F

Once that is done TrustedInstaller.exe can be copied from another Windows 7 x64 system, and the Trusted Installer service started.

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