Windows 7 x64 Pro not indexing PDF content

64-bitpdfsearchwindows 7

In an attemp to get rid of all the paper clutter that I receive each day, I started scanning and ORCing all my important documents last year. I was using Windows Desktop Search on Vista to index my "Administrative" folder in which I keep all these scanned documents, to be able to quickly retreive them when needed.

I upgraded to Windows 7 RTM recently (I got the x64 Pro version, via the MSDN-AA channel of my university). Since then, it seems that the content of the PDFs is not indexed anymore.

For example, I have the warranty for my GTX260 graphic card. In the PDF, using Acrobat Reader, I can search for the string "GTX260" and it finds the relevant lines. However, if I perform the same search in the folder containing the PDF, nothing is found.

I checked in the indexing options, the folder is supposed to be indexed.

Best Answer

The problem is that there is no x64 IFilter for Adobe PDF documents installed. You may want to get the official Adobe x64 IFilter.

The Foxit IFilter is also an option but depending on the scenario you may need to purchase it.

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