Windows 7 – Wireless signal strength good – Network often says limited or no activity

internetrouterwindows 7wireless-networking

I have a new Dell Studio XPS laptop that I hooked up in early January of 2010.

The Dell Studio XPS laptop is connected to my wireless router (Belkin Wireless N). The router was purchased in Februari of 2010 because I thought my router was bad (A D-Link router). Comcast is my ISP.

Everyday, at random times, the internet will have a good signal (according to the little Win 7 icon on the taskbar) but I will receive a message saying limited or no internet access and I cannot access the internet.

I have the internet setup to automatically get an IP and I did the IPCONFIG release / renew but with no success.

I even had a WiFi enabled Blackberry right next to my computer and whenever the computer loses an WiFi connection, so does the Blackberry.

The router isnt't bad, because the old router did the same thing – giving me limited or no internet access while working sometimes.

I also tried using two other laptops in same physical position as my Dell Studio XPS laptop and they have the same problem.

I am going crazy trying to figure this out as I have called the router company (Belkin), my ISP (Comcast), and my computer maker (Dell).

Can anyone offer some suggestions and I can try them as we work through this and maybe one of the suggestion will be right one.

Thanks in advance for even reading my problem. I searched for a problem similar to mine on the internet, but I have not been able to keep a steady internet connection.

(Side note – I used to have an IBM thinkpad laptop and D – Link router and for years that wireless connection worked FLAWLESSLY, with the same physical set up – the laptop in my bedroom, and the router in the basement.)

Best Answer

I had a Dell 830 that had awful probelms with our wireless router, netgear, I had to statically allocate the IP address to get round the issue. (this is probably unrelated to the problem, it just still irritates me to this day)

Are there other wireless signals in the area, perhaps changing the channel will help. On the router you will be able to see, and change, which channel it uses.

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