Windows 7 User / Documents and Settings folders

user-profileswindows 7

I have a machine – Windows 7, nothing remarkable about the install but I have multiple drives in the machine.

I have a C:\users\username folder which seems to be current and is the one that all Windows properties point to.

However, I also have a f:\documents and settings\username folder (which was hidden) which is also current and up to date. If I edit anything from either, they seem to "replicate" or update each other

ie if I rename an icon on my desktop, it renames it in C:\users\username\desktop and f:\documents and settings\username\desktop. Likewise if I edit directly in one of those folders, it does the same to the other.

Any one got any ideas what might cause this? Problem I have is that I need to remove the f drive all together!

Best Answer

In Windows 7 and Vista, "Users" and "Documents and Settings" are aliases for one another, so you should expect things to change in one when changed in the other. For example, "C:\Users\me\Desktop" is the same as "C:\Documents and Settings\me\Desktop". But why is Documents and Settings on F:? What's on F: normally?

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