Windows 7 Taskbar Icons Randomly Disappearing

iconsnvidia-geforcetaskbarwindows 7

This is a problem that i'm totally stumped on. Taskbar Icons that are pinned, as well as open program thumbs keep disappearing. This is totally random, no set pattern. I've tried updating drivers for the vid card, rolling back to old drivers, nothing seems to work. I've also tried the usual uncheck hide the taskbar and recheck, changing the start menu, keeping commonly used programs in start menu, etc. This is using an add-in card which is a necessity.

Here is the specs on the machine:

New Dell Optiplex 390
i3 2100 Proc
3gb Ram, Windows 7 32-bit.

The add in card is an Nvidia 8400 GS model. I've tried different versions of the 8400gs, from MSI, or from other manufactureres and regardless it keeps happening.

After the Icons disappear, I can log out and log back in and they return, but disappear again. I can reinstall the drivers for the vid card and it fixes it for a few days, and then they disappear again. There isn't any set pattern of days that it happens, software being used, etc. This happens whether the Aero Theme or Classic is used. I've went into advanced settings and disabled all "special effects" as well.

Another user in the office had the same problem with the exact same machine, but updating the vid card drivers fixed the issue.


Best Answer

Have you tried running a memory test on the RAM for that machine, I recommend creating a boot-able CD or booting from a USB key drive with Memtest 86+ version 4.20 to test the RAM on the machine. I have seen weird random issues like this in the past and it was a memory issue.You can download the free utility from Other then that, I understand update the Video driver but you could also try updating the Chipset driver if you haven't already done so. Then look at updating BIOS for that machine. That being said definitely run the memtest first because if the RAM does have problems, it is likely other programs and installs will also have problems.

I just did some Googling that might be helpful, if my previous suggestions don't work out. Check out this URL from Microsoft Answers, it has a lot of great suggestions to narrow the scope of the problem

I have also pasted a screenshot that might be helpful, notice the check box I have set at the bottom of the screenshot regarding inactive icons. Perhaps your icons are disappearing when Windows decides they are in active. I know this mainly pertains to the notification area of the task bar and it might be a long shot, but I thought I might put it out there just in case it helps.
Task Bar Icons setting


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