Windows 7 shows 0 Free memory for 4 GB installed RAM

memorytask-managerwindows 7

Laptop: Dell Inspiron 1525 Core-2-Duo
Pre-installed RAM: 2GB
Additional installed RAM: 2GB
OS: Windows 7

I have just installed extra 2 GB of RAM in Windows 7 and now it shows total 4 GB RAM.

enter image description here

After installing it when I look into Windows Task Manager it shows me 0 as Free Memory.

enter image description here

How it's showing 0 Free Memory?

Please, will anybody explain it to me?

How to understand it? Does it require any BIOS setting to be set?

Thanks and advance.

Best Answer

The important thing is to have available memory. not free.

in this post it explains what is it for

Available is the only one that matters. Available shows what is capable of being used by Programs. Without paging other lower priority processes out of memory. It is a combination of both Cache and Free.

So don't worry about free memory because it can be used for system things or just reserved for programms

this is better.

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