Windows 7 PC sends a lot of NetBIOS Name Queries for non-existent computer names

netbiosnetworkingwindows 7wireshark

I have a Windows 7 PC, and have been monitoring network traffic using Wireshark, and I'm seeing this PC send out a lot of NetBIOS Name Queries for non-existent computer names.

These are some of the ones I've seen it send…

  • Name query NB AURORA_NT
  • Name query NB WPAD
  • Name query NB UTI
  • Name query NB WORK
  • Name query NB WORKGROUP
  • Name query NB CRESTLINE

Does anyone have ideas?

I just discovered that the queries for WPAD seemed to be related to Outlook. It seems that WPAD is for Windows Proxy Auto Discovery. So, if you have "Automatically detect proxy settings" turned on, then the WPAD name queries would be normal.

This still doesn't explain AURORA_NT…

Best Answer

AURORA_NT, UTI, WORK, WORKGROUP and CRESLINE could all be devices that have once been on the network, and windows still wants their IP to talk to them.

Try cleaning out your old shared printers, mapped drived, network neighborhood or whatever it's called these days.