Windows 7 New SSD SATA AHCI

ahcibiosssdwindows 7

I recently got a new laptop (Dell Latitude E6410) which came with a regular hard drive. I removed the hard drive and installed Windows 7 64 bit fresh. I've been doing some reading about possibly changing a BIOS setting under SATA Operations. Currently it is set to "RAID On" but AHCI is also an option. Apparently I need to tweak the registry the reboot and flip to AHCI in order enable it.

My question is what exactly is it and why would I want to enable it? Will it provide faster performance with my SSD? Is this even necessary to switch to AHCI or should I leave the BIOS alone and stay with RAID On.

Best Answer

raid off, ahci on with a new ssd installed. Raid uses 2 drives and "splits" files and uses the 2 drives to work together for faster/better perfomance. Or raid can use 2 drives and one is a exact copy of the other as you go. I installed a ssd in my dell laptop and it is screaming fast! Way faster then the hdd that was in there. You must enable ahci in the bios for running most ssd drives. If you buy one, it will tell you to do that in the limited paperwork that comes with it. Best upgrade for the speed i have ever done.