Windows 7 – Missing Free HDD Space

disk-spacewindows 7

I have Windows 7 installed on a 45 GB partition, and every now and then it gets full, and I have to resize that partition. I always thought this was quite normal. But it happened again today and this time, I'm sure it is not normal, because since last resizing (35GB -> 45GB) I did not install any new apps or anything and the sum of the folder sizes is off.
Everything, including hidden, system, root folders and files is ~18GB, yet Windows is indicating that all 45 GB are used up.

Does anyone have any idea what is going on?

Best Answer

Try to see what is taking disk space with a tool like WinDirStat.

enter image description here

It will show you how the space is used, and by what, so you will be able to understand and take measures according to this. Don't hesitate to edit your question with what exactly is taking more space, if you want more details about it.