Windows 7 – Minimize app to tray, restore from tray on hotkey

notification-areawindows 7

I'm looking for a utility for Windows that will, with a keyboard shortcut send an application to the system tray, and hitting the same keystroke (or even a different one) to restore it. This behavior is very similar to Apple + . when using Tweetie to show/hide the app in OS X.

I know of applications like Tray it!, and Autohotkey, but I wanted to know if there was one that did it all.

Does anyone have a solution for this that they have found?

Best Answer

4t Tray Minimizer will do the job.

enter image description here

To minimize any application to the task bar, simply left click the minimize button as usual or press keyboard shortcut. You can configure 4t Tray Minimizer to automatically hide/restore specific applications by pressing specific keyboard shortcuts.

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