Windows 7 locked out account

passwordsuser-accountswindows 7

I have a Windows 7 64-bit computer. There was only one account (mine, created at installation, password protected, full administrative access with UAC enabled).

To speed up the startup + login process I went to control userpasswords2 and unchecked that users need to enter password. By this operation my account has been changed to Guest type and an Administrator account has been created. This Administrator account has a small overlay icon with a downwards pointing arrow.

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My original password did not work; if I try leaving the password blank it says something like "Your account has been disabled. Contact your administrator."

Contacting myself surprisingly did not help. As my account (which I am still able to access) is Guest, I have no rights to do anything. Is there a way to get my access back without reinstalling?

Best Answer

I'm curious how your account became a guest account. That sounds like uncharacteristic behavior.

First, try booting into Safe Mode by pressing F8 before the windows boot animation appears. By default, the built-in administrator account will be enabled when you boot into safe mode. Try logging into it, then you can reset the permissions on your original account from there, then reboot into normal mode.

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