Windows 7 keep computer from idling

macrosSecuritywindowswindows 7

I have to work on a corporate computer that has loads of security. I cannot install any programs. I am a software engineer and can write scripts/use command lines. I sometimes need to fix performance issues on software and need to trace them while they execute. These executions can sometimes take 30 minutes – 1 hour. The Windows 7 auto-locks after like 10 minutes, so I have to sit there and make sure to move the mouse/press a button so it doesn't idle and mess up my trace. In Power Options I have everything set to do nothing, but somehow it's all overridden and those settings don't mean anything.

Does anyone have any tips on how to make the computer not idle? like a windows 7 terminal command or something to use in any microsoft office programs or anything?


Best Answer

First, this is a fundamental conflict between the job you were hired to do, and the tools you were provided to do the job. Assuming you can't use that computer for something else productive while that trace is running (you probably can), you are either hired to do the mouse / keyboard manipulation for that period of time, or the computer support team (whoever set up the screen lock feature) is preventing you from doing your actual job which is somewhere afk (reading a manual / reference book?). I strongly recommend you address the issue from that perspective first.

That said, if there are no actual repercussions for violating company security policy (and believe me, there often are and probably should be), you can work around the restrictions using hardware / software. One tool is listed below.

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