Windows 7 Install Stuck at Setup is Starting

windows 7

Well, funny story. I got a virus and when trying to remove it, my anti-virus software deleted something vital in windows vista, now nothing on my computer operates, it can't even boot up properly.

So I thought, "I'll go buy Windows 7, the operating system installation still works." I bought Windows 7, inserted the disk, selected the language options. I went to the next step and it said "Setup is Starting" I waited 15 minutes before looking again and it was still there, another two hours went by and I thought, "This ain't going to work, i'll look it up in google"

The main messege i've been seeing is "Disable Floppy Disk in BIOS". So I started BIOS and noticed there's no floppy disk options, so I don't have floppy disk feature on my laptop. So instead, I disabled any other things which may be causes this error, everything apart from the CD Rom/DVD Rom. Yet, it still didn't work. So this is really starting to irritate me, I wouldn't like to take it to a PC shop and be ripped off for something which I could find on the internet.

If anyone of you could give me tips on getting round this problem, it'd be much appreciated.


  • BIOS Version: D3A91
  • CPU Type: Intel (R) Core (TM)2 Duo
    CPU T5250
  • CPU Speed: 1500 MHz
  • L2 Cacge RAM: 2048 KB
  • Total Memory: 2048MB
  • Slot 1: 1024MB
  • Slot 2: 1024MB

Best Answer

Use BartPE or Gparted to format or delete the required partitions.

Edit: Found you another solution SuperFdisk

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