Windows 7: How to boot up in normal mode after improper shut down

windows 7

I work in two different locations and whenever there is a power outage at one of the locations, Windows 7 detects that the system was improperly shutdown. Once the power is up, the PC powers on and Windows 7 enters REPAIR/SAFE mode where only someone physically in front of the PC can control it. (Networking is all disabled in this mode)

Now before it enters REPAIR/SAFE mode, there is an option for a NORMAL boot. But the catch is that REPAIR/SAFE mode is selected by default with a 30 second timer. Once it automatically enters REPAIR/SAFE mode and if nobody is at the other location, I have no way to remote control it anymore. And then I have to drive over to the other location and reboot it and select boot into NORMAL mode.

Where can I change this setting so that Windows 7 always boots into NORMAL mode no matter how many times it is improperly shut down?

Best Answer

I just had a nasty power outage and gruntled's answer did not fully solve my initial concern 2 years ago. Because of an initial misconfiguration, I am now booking an expensive plane trip back to the staff-less server room in the other country just because of a simple boot problem. (no hard feelings)

After doing some more research online and to extend gruntled's answer it seems the correct settings for bcdedit should be:

bcdedit /set {default} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures <-- Newly added setting

bcdedit /set {default} recoveryenabled No

If I don't get any more problems in the future with this setting, I'll keep this as the answer. Hope I saved some lucky person the cost of a plane trip ride back to fix a simple boot problem.

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