Windows 7 home backup solution, with offsite provision

backupwindows 7

I am looking for a home backup solution for my single Windows 7 (Home Premium) PC. I have about 500GB of data to backup. I would like to spend less than GBP 300 on the solution.

I don't see the need to backup the whole PC, rather specific folder branches (iTunes, photos, documents, Outlook files, user folders such as desktop, favorites etc).

I would like a solution that enables me to maintain backups in two separate physical locations (e.g. home and work).

To facilitate this I am imagining a storage unit with slots for two removable drives, along with three separate drives.

At any one time two of the drives will be being backed up to in the storage unit. The third will be located at my work.

Periodically I will take one of the drives into work and leave it there, then bring the drive that was there back home, and plug it into the storage unit. It will then be backed up along with the other drive that was left in the storage unit.

This approach should cover scenarios such as virus attack and fire or theft from one location.

Thoughts and comments on the sanity of this approach please…

Best Answer

What I do is use an external USB drive. I wrote a batch file that uses robocopy to mirror selected subdirectories. Note that it doesn't do incremental backups, it just mirrors the subdirectories. I have two partitions on the drive NTFS (for my windows machines) and ext2 (for my Linux server). After backing up my systems, I store the drive in a fireproof safe.

You could just get two external drives. One to keep at home, and one to take to work.

If you're interested, let me know, and I'll post the batch file I use to mirror my directories.

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