Windows 7 – What to Do When It Fails to Start in Any Mode

bootwindowswindows 7

A few days ago my copy of windows 7 stopped booting up. I've tried accessing it normally, in safe mode, in safe mode with command prompt, as well as running the start up recovery tools. None have worked. In all cases, the computer goes to a black screen and stays there indefinitely. I believe this is being caused by a corruption in some windows files but have no direct way of accessing them. Any help would be appreciated!!

EDIT : I do not have an emergency repair disk. I would load a backup but, I can't get the computer to start far enough. I was able to run chkdsk by connecting the hard drive to another computer which seems to have had an effect although still not fixed the issue. Instead, the computer either now shuts down at the windows logo screen or when loading classpnp.sys for any of the safe modes. I've also tried attaching the hard drive to another computer and booting from it which results in a "disk boot failure" instead.

Best Answer

My recommendation would be to back up and reinstall. This is a last resort, but a quicker fix than troubleshooting if you need the machine.

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