Windows 7 – easiest way to tell whether AERO / DWM is enabled

aerodwmwindows 7

From this article I have learnt, that DWM is enabled only with AERO:

Let’s recall: without Aero turned on, the DWM is deactivated, so
there’s also no more 2D acceleration, either (this applies equally to
Windows 7 as it does to Vista)

What is the easiest way to tell whether AERO / DWM on Win 7 is enabled / disabled? With some themes it is (visually) obvious, but with some others not (especially not when using remote access like VNC).

Is there some dialog where I can see that AERO / DWM is enabled / disabled?

Best Answer

There is a corresponding service UxSms (Desktop Window Manager Session Manager- Provides Desktop Window Manager startup and maintenance services).

This starts a process dwm.exe. With this started, AERO is enabled (if stopped AERO is disabled). So basically if the process dwm.exe runs, AERO is enabled (read the comments, this means that AERO themes might, but not necessarily have be used. However, without DWM no AERO).