Windows 7 – delete all files+empty folders with with specific extension recursively

windowswindows 7

I have tried to follow the advice here:
Need to delete all the files with one extension on a drive in Windows 7

But if I want to delete all files in a specific folder, with a specific extension, that doesn't work.

I have a folder with *.ASP and *.ASPX files, and I need to delete all the *.ASP files but keep the ASPX pages.

I also need to delete a folder if it is empty, after deleting the file(s).

How would I delete all the ASP pages easily, including empty folders? Command prompt is no problem.

EDIT: This is the trick in PowerShell:

Get-ChildItem -path . -recurse -include *.asp | 
  Where-Object {-not $_.PSIsContainer} |
  Remove-Item -Verbose

Best Answer

To remove all files with a specific extension can be done with something like:

cd C:\ path\to\directory\extension
del /s *.extension

For removing empty folders I would suggest looking at a question from stackoverflow:

EDIT: Obviously I suggest caution running this sort of command on an entire drive. There might be something you need. So do be careful.

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