Windows 7 Crashes using nVidia Driver, works fine in Safe Mode or without video driver

crashdriversgraphics cardnvidia-graphics-card

Until this morning, and for over a year, my computer worked fine. I have an nVidia GTX 465 card running Windows 7 SP-1. Today, after running about thirty seconds, the screen freezes and I have to reboot. The first time this happened, I received a message along the lines "Windows recovered from a video driver crash".

  • The computer works fine in Safe Mode.
  • If I uninstall the drivers, it works fine in normal mode.
  • If I reinstall the drivers (fresh copies from NVidia), it crashes after running for a few seconds.

Prior to the last crash, the last message in my Windows System log is

Driver Management concluded the process to install driver 
FileRepository\monitor.inf_amd64_neutral_ab477c4d805d044f\monitor.inf for Device 
Instance ID DISPLAY\HYO049B\5&E3CA944&1&UID3146000 with the following status: 0x0.

Any suggestions as to how to fix?

Best Answer


The GTX-465 card was indeed bad. Anything more precise than "bad" in our economy of disposable products would be impossible to determine. Removing said card from the computer solved the problem.

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