Windows 7 BSOD: Remove any newly installed hard drives or hard drive controllers

bootbsodsystem-recoverywindows 7

The motherboard in my old system died, so I moved the hard drive over to my backup system and now I'm receiving this error. I'm able to read the drive perfectly fine in the Recovery screen and it ask for my windows login password and that processes fine.

  1. Tried chkdsk /f no errors found
  2. Tried repairing bootrec and rebuild but I keep getting this error "total identified windows installations: 0"
  3. Tried system restore in the system recovery option screen.
  4. Safe mode receives the same blue screen error.
  5. Ran SFC no file problems
  6. Also tried manually rebuilding the boot.ini, crashed it but windows detected and auto rebuilt it from the backup. But still same blue screen.

A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent
damage to your computer.

If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart
you computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps:

Check for viruses on your computer. Remove any newly installed hard
drives or hard drive controllers. Check your hard drive to make sure
it is properly configured and terminated. Run CHKDSK /F to check for
hard drive corruption, and then restart your computer.

Technical Information:

  • STOP: 0x0000007B (0xFFFFF880009A98E8,0xFFFFFFFFC000000D,0x0000000000000000,0x0000000000000000)

Best Answer

I download and used the Vbscript from here: install the file to a usb drive and ran from the System Recovery command prompt screen.

used the command: cscript Fix_7hdc.vbs /enable /search

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