Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 8: no grouping per browser instance

internet-explorer-8taskbarwindows 7

The following picture shows two open instances of Internet Explorer 8 on my computer:

enter image description here

The system groups them as one instance showing all the tabs. I want to distinguish not even the tabs but also the instances – each tab to which instance it belongs.

If there is no way to do this I want to disable the tabs grouping and see only three instances. I don't like the way it is setup now and I can't live with it. Sometimes I open three instances, each of them about a different subject, and each of them has many tabs.

In the taskbar I see all the tabs – with no way to know which is what!

Best Answer

To undo grouping:

Right-click the Taskbar, choose Properties, then Taskbar.
Then in the drop-down list titled "Taskbat buttons": choose "Never combine", then OK.