Windows 7 Aero Peek – Fix Alt+Tab Transparent Windows Effect Delay

aero-peekalt-tabwindows 7

In windows 7 when browsing through the alt+tab thumbnails, lingering on one thumbnail for a second will engage the Aero-Peek effect causing every window to be transparent except for the chosen window.
This effect is slightly delayed before starting for the first time of each alt+tab “session”, and afterwards will be applied quicker as you browse through the thumbnails.

Is there a way to change the value of that initial delay?
And maybe even that of the subsequent faster delays?

Best Answer

Okay I've found the answer. Someone was kind to share some knowledge on my post at the Microsoft forum:

Open Registry Editor and create the following registry key:


In that key, create the following DWORD value: LivePreview_ms and set it to the delay (in milliseconds) of the first live preview.

Restart Explorer to see the changes.

Other Aero-peek related registry entries that I've found on the net are:

  • DesktopLivePreviewHoverTime
  • ThumbnailLivePreviewHoverTime
  • ExtendedUIHoverTime

These control the delay of other components of Aero-peek.

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