Windows 10 was supposed to end the need to safely eject drives, so why does it say “This device is currently in use…”

ejectsafely-remove-hardwaretask-managerwindows 10

Windows 10 was supposed to end the need to safely eject drives, so why does it
(a) still include the eject icon in my tray?
(b) say "This device is currently in use. Close any programs or windows that might be using the device, and then try again."?

And why does it not say which programs are using the device? Almost every time there is no program using the device, as far as I can tell. Shouldn't Windows be able to tell me which programs are using the device, and ask me if I want to close those programs?

On others' posts I've read "just pull it out anyway", and I've read "you'll be sorry". At this point, I'm not particularly looking for opinions of what to do. I want to know what I asked.


Best Answer

In the early days of USB, things were pretty flaky and you were likely to blue-screen your computer if you unplugged a USB connection without due care.

USB is now far more robust and reliable and you are unlikely to have those types of problem. However, there is also the quite separate question of caching.

When writing data to a USB device, caching is likely to be used to boost overall performance. This means that you may think your file copying has completed, but part of the file is still in memory and is still being written to the USB device. For this reason, the safe removal function is still very necessary. If you unplug a USB device while it is being written to, you are very likely to corrupt your file and possibly also damage the USB device.

The safe removal function ensures that the data transfer to the USB device completes and the file is closed, so that you know when you can remove the USB device without corrupting your data or damaging your devices.

(If you want to find out what process is accessing the USB device, you may use the Sysinternals handle utility.)

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