Windows 10 – Fix for File Explorer Long Paths Not Working

windows 10windows-explorer

I updated to the Windows 10 home anniversary edition version 1607 and set LongPathsEnabled to 1 with regedit.exe but the File Explorer doesn't seem to work with long paths still. If you select a long path file and try to rename it, no option will be available. I restarted the computer after making the changes and update.

Is there any way to enable renaming in the File Explorer in the new updated version? Did I miss a step somewhere?

Best Answer

I've asked Microsoft employee Gov Maharaj and the feature is not ready to be enabled for Windows Explorer. So you still have the issue with Explorer. You have to wait until Microsoft enables it for Explorer or use a 3rd party file management tool which is compatible with the long paths and has the setting

<application xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
    <longPathAware xmlns="">true</longPathAware>

set in its manifest file.

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