Windows 10 taskbar | how to make it thinner when vertical

taskbarwindows 10

I have 14" 16:9 notebook and would like my Windows 10 taskbar have on the (left) side. Unfortunately, although I set it to small icons the bar is pretty wide. Do not you know how to make it thinner?

This is how I would like to have it:

enter image description here

Best Answer

You could use as tool called "Taskbar Tweaker". After a small search I've heard that it works well with Windows 7, 8 and 8.1. I don't know if it is already implement for Windows 10. According to some beta-tester it should work.

so try this:

  1. Install 7+ Taskbar Tweaker.
  2. Right-click on the Tweaker's tray icon, open advanced options and set no_width_limit to 1. Tweaker tray icon
  3. Then use the no_width_limit advanced option. View of Advanced menu.

  • Install 7+ Taskbar Tweaker and run it. You can close the dialog that is displayed.
  • Make sure to dock the task-bar to the left edge
  • Make sure that it is not locked
  • Make sure that you have selected Use small icons option in the task-bar properties
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