Windows 10 Storage Spaces Poor Speed

performanceraidstorage-spaceswindows 10

Using Storage Spaces under Windows 10 Pro, I am observing poor, nonsensical speed. A two-way mirror and a simple space across four drives on 2012R2 and 2016TP produce completely different performance characteristics. On my machine, they produce the same performance when benchmarked. I mean literally the exact same. As if striping over four ways is equivalent to mirroring and striping two ways.

I want storage spaces specifically because of the thin pool functionality, and the ability to have an "archive" segment of my four-drive array in parity mode (where I do not care about write speed) to achieve an effective compression of the data (N-1 versus N/2), say for movies/music which are written once and never changed.

Does consumer/workstation Windows storage space not stripe data like the server variant? Is this something I can work around by manually creating my spaces in powershell and setting columns accordingly?

Best Answer

If created via the GUI then no, Windows 10 does not stripe simple spaces.

In powershell type get-virtualdisk |fl and check number of columns.

The Storage Spaces GUI in Win10 is very limited and if you create a storage space using it, it will choose default values which may not suit your intended scenario. Use powershell to manually create storage spaces.

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