Windows 10 Sticky Notes Can’t Type

sticky-noteswindows 10

I am using windows 10 sticky notes and when I make a sticky note then type some stuff eventually it seems to almost become read only.

when I try to type something in it won't let me, but I can delete stuff or cut stuff but can't type anything new.

I feel like this is because I have the feature that syncs on (don't know how to turn it off).


Windows 10 Pro: 10.0.18362 Build 18362

Stick Version:

Best Answer

I have this problem as well, I am logged into my computer, I will RDP into my computer from a remote location as the same user I am logged in as, close the RDP session, return to my desk and am unable to type in StickyNotes. My work around is to use Ctrl+A, to select all text, Ctrl+X to cut the text, start a new sticky not using the plus icon in sticky notes, paste the text into a new note and am able to type again...

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