Windows 10 search results appear in wrong language

language-packwindows 10windows-search

I just upgraded to Windows 10 from a German Windows 7 installation. I switched my display language to English (United States) and my region to English (United Kingdom). Now whenever I search for some settings like for example "UAC", the search results will still be in German.
UAC search result

Not only that, but the results of some other searches, such as "language" are not even clickable. The only option that can be clicked here is the one without a settings icon.
language search result

I already tried removing German completely in the language settings, switched between German and English as my display language several times and also rebuilt the search index.
Any solutions before I have to reinstall the OS entirely are appreciated.

Best Answer

I had a similar problem (actually, my entire laptop was in Thai). I did the following steps:

To open Settings, go to the Action Center (the icon in the taskbar beside the clock) and press All Settings.

  1. Go to SettingsTime and RegionRegion and Language → Delete all other languages and only keep English. My keyboard layout was also Thai, so that can be changed here too.

  2. Control PanelRegionFormat → Set it to English

  3. Control PanelRegionLocation → Set it properly

  4. Control PanelRegionAdministrativeChange system locale → Select English

This was the most important step. You may reboot after this.

  1. Control PanelRegionAdministrativeCopy settings → Check both boxes and click OK

Again reboot! After doing all this German should vanish entirely from your laptop. After this, make sure you have deleted German language and selected override English as language everywhere just to be sure.

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