Windows 10 Scroll Wheel Not Working In All Windows

mousescrollingtouchpadwindows 10

Just upgraded to Windows 10 on my (~5 year old) laptop, and overall I like it; however, I've got one little quibble with it that I haven't yet found a solution too… When attempting to use the scroll wheel (either through the touchpad or with and attached wireless mouse) I can't scroll within certain windows. Specifically, the Start Menu, Settings Screens, the Windows App store, etc. Other windows work fine (i.e. Chrome, Minecraft, Windows Explorer) but not these ones.

I thought it might be the Synaptics driver, so I reinstalled it, but that didn't have any effect.

What's doubly weird about it is, it'll actually work for a couple seconds after I login, but then inexplicably stop working. I'm guessing there's some software loading up not long after I login that's causing the issue.

I haven't yet tried booting into safe mode, or disabling start up software with msconfig. I'll try those and update the post with the results.

Best Answer

Sigh, guess I should have paid a little more attention. I had KatMouse ( installed previously, and that was causing the issue. Leaving this here for anyone who's interested.

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