Windows 10 scheduled tasks are not running

task schedulerwindows 10

I have created couple of tasks under Task scheduler (Win 10):

enter image description here

Unfortunatelly, the tasks do not run autmatically as scheduled. Their "Next run time" is changed as expected (each 10 or 5 minutes), but "Last Run Time" remain the same and nothing is done. There is even no record in history (15:23 was manual run half an hour ago):

enter image description here

In case I run the tasks manually, they work well. Conditions tab is empty for all of them. Any idea, what could be wrong?

Best Answer

I have a laptop and the same problem occured to me.

I resolved the issue DISABLING the option "Start the task only if the computer is on AC power" on the "Conditions" tab and "Power" group.

My laptop was indeed AC powered, but must be some kind of bug in this detection.

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