Windows 10 resolution in Parallels on retina Macbook


I've seen several posts about Windows 10 (and 8/8.1) scaling up on retina Macbooks, but none really outlining everything or answering my question directly. I've got a 13" retina Macbook Pro, running Windows 10 on Parallels. When I first installed, the resolution was set very low by default so I went to change it but noticed the highest resolution I can pick is 1920×1200.

So my question is this:

Should I be able to choose a higher resolution since my retina display is 2560×1600? I've set it to the highest available (1920×1200) and changed the "text, app, and other items" size to 125% but it doesn't look as crisp as everything on the Mac side. Is there anything else I can do to increase the display resolution/quality?

Or has anyone tried this with bootcamp and had different results? It could be the drivers from Parallels.

I realize this is a preview build of Windows 10, I just want to make sure I'm not missing something.


I forgot to mention that in the Parallels settings, under Hardware -> Video, I've checked the box for "Enable Retina Resolution", but I haven't seen a difference, even after logging out & back in and shutting down the vm and restarting it.

Best Answer

I used to have the same issue on my Macbook 15" retina,

I did the following;

  • From parallers windows machine settings, hardware tab, I selected best for retina.
  • The windows display resolution 3840 X 2400. "Too small obviously"
  • I selected the text size to 175%. "by default it was 300%"
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