Windows 10 Remote Desktop Credentials

remote desktopwindows 10

Using my Microsoft account, I simply cannot log in to Windows 10 via remote desktop. I have tried a plethora of variations, including:

Etc. etc. etc.

I am confident that I have logged in one time before but I can't seem to find where I saved the username/domain combination I used. I am also confident it is not a setting or the firewall. I have even created a local user account and was able to login successfully with that account.

There must be somewhere that I can lookup the correct username to use.

Judging by so many others having no problems, I suspect this has something to do with either my Windows settings or my account. I am 100% certain that my account has the required permissions to login via remote desktop.

Best Answer

I finally figured this out. My Microsoft account and local account passwords were not in sync. I changed the Microsoft account password from within Windows, and BAM, it works again.