Windows 10 power options missing on new laptop

group-policypower-optionswindows 10

I have two Dell Latitude laptops with Windows 10.
An old one and a new one I just got.

On the new laptop when I open Power Options –> Advanced settings, I only see the following groups: "Desktop background settings", Sleep, "Power buttons and lid", Display, Battery.

However, on my other laptop with win10 enterprise, I have all these plus a lot more, like: Hard disk, Internet Explorer, USB settings, Intel Graphics settings, Processor Management, etc. How do I get those on the new one?

The new one has a Dell Power Management app installed. That seems to be a battery driver. Could that be the one that's interfering?

I have a screenshot of the two different Power Options windows here:

Left is the new laptop with limited options. Right is the old one with full set of options.

The left is the new laptop with limited options and the right is the old one with full set of options.

Best Answer

Launch your registry editor and navigate to \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\PowerSettings.

If you expand all of the sub-folders, click on any one of them, and you'll see a "Description" and a "Friendly Name" that describe which advanced power setting option they control. Scroll through, read those descriptions, and find the settings that you want to be able to control in advanced power settings.

For each of these, find the "Attributes" REG_DWORD file and change its value to the number 2. That setting will now show up in and can be controlled from your advanced power settings.

If you come across a setting that lacks the "Attributes" file, just create a new DWORD file called "Attributes" in that folder, set the value to 2, and it'll likewise show up in your advanced power settings.

It's a bit tedious to scroll through ~100 options, but I was able to fully-customize my advanced power settings interface in about 30 minutes.

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