Windows 10 idle lock screen: keyboard keypress not detected

keyboardlock-screenwindows 10

This must be something basic, but I was unable to find a solution.

The keyboard keypress is not detected when Windows is in the idle lock screen. I need to click with the mouse on screen to display the password textbox. If I lock the computer (eg: Windows+L) if I press any key, the textbox appear, as expected. How can I fix that?

How can we login without mouse after an idle lock?

Best Answer

The probable explanation is that the lock screen does not have focus, so when you click you are regaining focus. Try entering alt+tab or ctrl+alt+del to test if this is really the case and if the keyboard is still reactive. If it is, then this is a bug by Microsoft that will probably be fixed in some future time.

If your keyboard is connected via USB, a setting that might help is "USB Selective Suspend". This allows the operating system to place a single USB port into low-power mode, rather than staying on or completely shutting off all USB ports. Try to disable it by doing the opposite of the procedure described in the article Windows 10 – How to Enable USB Selective Suspend.

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