Windows 10: How to find what font is used by a certain program

fontswindowswindows 10

I have a commercial software running on my Windows 10 machine and somehow, someday, I've installed/overwritten a few fonts and now the software displays some weird chars instead of plain ASCII text.

For example "This is a test phrase" looks like this: 
This is a test phrase

I tried resetting/restoring Windows fonts by using the restore default font settings, but nothing changed.

Installing the same software on similar configuration displays the font correctly and the developer doesn't have a solution to this problem, mainly because it's an isolated issue that's only happening on my computer. The only way to use this software on my computer would be to do a fresh reinstall but there has to be a better way.

Originally posted here:

Best Answer

How can I find what fonts are used by a certain program?

You can use ProcessActivityView from Nirsoft:

ProcessActivityView creates a summary of all files and folders that the selected process tries to access. For each file that the process access, the following information is displayed: Number of times that the file was opened and closed, number of read/write calls, total number of read/write bytes, the dll that made the last open-file call, and more...

enter image description here


I am not affiliated with Nirsoft in any way, I am just an end user of their software.

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