Windows 10 – Have to run calc/Calculator twice from the Run menu

calculatorwindows 10

I use Calculator in Windows 10 every once in a while. However, I'm facing an odd issue when launching it.

Short version
I often have to execute calc twice from the Run menu before Calculator shows up.

Long version
I always launch Calculator by typing calc in the Run menu, which has never been a problem for me on previous versions of Windows. In Windows 10, however, nothing appears to be happening when I run it the first time. If I open Task Manager, I can see that Calculator is listed under Background processes, but it doesn't show up. If I go to the App history tab, right-click Calculator and select Switch to, Calculator shows up twice. If I instead open the Run menu and run calc again, it shows up once as expected.

From this point on, I can launch Calculator just fine from the Run menu, until I haven't used it for a period of time. Then it's the same thing all over again.

Has anyone else experienced this, and if so, did you find a fix for it? I've found a couple of threads on Reddit with users complaining about this issue, but no solution so far.

Update: This appears to have been fixed. I have not had this problem for the past few weeks, but I have been unable to find any details on the update that fixed this.

Best Answer

Run "calculator://" instead of "calc". "calc" is in Windows 10 just a wrapper, and it's seems that it doesn't work all the time

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