Windows 10 – Force Hardware Compatibility Check

compatibilitywindows 10windows 7

I am still struggling with the Windows 10 hardware compatibility check. I had a GeForce 7900 which was incompatible, so I bought a new card which is supported. But the "Get Windows 10 app" still complains about the previous card. In other words, the compatibility check isn't ran again (yet).

I tried to force the Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser (as administrator)

C:\Windows\system32>schtasks.exe /Run /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experi
ence\Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser"
SUCCESS: Attempted to run the scheduled task "\Microsoft\Windows\Application Exp
erience\Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser".

I waited for an hour, but when I click on the "View report" button it shows that the last run of Compatibility Appraiser was 8/17/2015. So forcing the compatibility check seems to result in nothing.

Some other supposed solution was to delete the downloaded files in "C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download". and then run (as administrator) "C:\Windows\system32>wuauclt /updatenow"

What is the best way forward? I don't mind to start over again, but I don't know if that is possible (like, uninstalling the Get Windows 10 app and delete all the local data it stored so far, and reapply for the free upgrade).

PS: I have Windows 7 Ultimate installed.

Best Answer

As a solution, i will avoid the Get Windows 10 app.

The Plan B i propose is Media Creation Tool , a free tool from Microsoft that allows you to force upgrade any PC to Windows 10 for free (from genuine Win 7 or 8.1).


1.Download the tool and run it with admin rights.

2.After temporary installation files are unpacked, select Upgrade this PC now and click Next enter image description here

3.The rest of the installation is automatic. Windows 10 will be downloaded and installed automatically.

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