Windows 10 folders with dot before names have no names


I upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10, and a lot of my folders that have a dot before the names now have no names, but exist and function, just blank names. How do you correct this? Most of the folders are in my C:\Users\username folder. I have 26 folders with dots before names in my C:\Users\username parent folder, but only 3 show names. If you go to the properties for each folder you can actually find the name, but it doesn't show in File Explorer. Thanks in advance for any replies.

Edit: When I go to Properties, it will list the file type as (for example, .android) "Folder (.android)" instead of just "Folder", as with other folders. So it's the folder type that is the problem I think.

Best Answer

I fixed it. I opened an elevated command prompt and entered "assoc .android= " (space after the "=") and all the folders showed up in File Explorer. I thought I was going to have to enter the command for each non-showing folder.

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