Windows 10 File History is silently refusing to back up some of the files

backupfile-historywindowswindows 10

I happened to check on my backups and I noticed that certain files are missing, even though I have them included in the backup. Good thing I checked! So how do I get them included in the backup? It's weird because I have this one directory that is only partially included – some of the files are there and others are not…

I thought the problem was that my backup drive was out of space, so I deleted and excluded some files that are already synced online and consuming lots of space (e.g. Google Drive) but still the backup fails to include certain files of mine…

Could it have anything to do with the fact that I have a junction point pointing at this folder? The folder is C:\Users\edkol\source\repos, and I have a junction point at C:\Users\edkol\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects pointing there.

Best Answer

if the filename is to long, (more than about 145 caracters, including the folders name), the file will be backed up in the $OF subfolder instead of the actual copy of the same folder hierachy in the filehistory folder. example But if you click on "file history" in the actual folder, you will see that it is acually included in the file history. Maybe it is your case (it was for me). Also, empty folders are not included in the file history backup.

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