Windows 10 file explorer files and folder icons are blank white icons

windows 10windows-explorer

I don't know what the heck happened but, my folder and file icons in windows 10 pro file explorer are now simply all BLANK doc ICONS covering the actual icons.

I've rebuilt the IconCache.db file several times and restarted several times.

I'm dumbfounded.

No, I haven't installed anything new.

Here's a screenshot of my file explorer.

enter image description here

Here's another image of my file explorer wit the problem.

enter image description here

Here's the image of my registry as requested:

enter image description here

Here's the image of my registry for icon overlays… every entry has the DEFAULT NAME with nothing else in any of the below folders

enter image description here

And finally shell folder overlays "HAS" something in it…hmmm.

enter image description here

Best Answer

This was solved LONG, LONG AGO with the CREATORS update.

All solved.

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