Windows 10 default photo viewer doesn’t go through pictures using arrow keys

keyboard shortcutspicturesscrollingwindows 10

It used to do it without any problems before, but today it seems like arrow keys no longer work normally for scrolling through pictures in the same folder. The weird thing is, they DO work, but exactly once. Pressing an arrow key once does take you either to previous or next picture, but when I press the same key again, the viewer does not scroll further anymore. And when I press the opposite arrow, it does take me back to the initial picture, but again, refuses to scroll further. So the only thing that's possible with arrow keys is alternating between these two pictures. Using the screen buttons and mouse works normally and scrolls as far as I make it. Any idea what could cause such a non-standard behavior?

Best Answer

The problem resolved itself after windows updated and restarted. I was reluctant to restart it, but when it happened anyway, the Photos app functions as normal again.

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