Windows 10 Controlled folder access – remove “Documents” from protected folders list

controlled-folder-accesswindows 10

Is there a way to remove "Documents" from protected folders (Controlled folder access) in Windows 10?

I have Controlled folder access feature on, but by default all user's folders are protected – Desktop, Documents, Images and so on. It's not possible to just remove one of users profile folder (particularly Documents) from protected folders list.

I need to remove "Documents" folder from protected list (from protection), because most of my games can't save game right now – saves are stored in Document folder.

As You can see on 2nd screen – there is no remove button for "Document" folder.

Adding app to exclusion is not the solution – doing so is just like turning folder protection off.

I can remove manually added folder

It's not possible to remove "Documents" folder

Best Answer

The protected folders feature is a function of Windows Defender Security Center > Virus and threat protection > Ransomware Protection. All you need to do is turn off the Ransomware protection and use another app like Malwarebytes to handle your ransomware concerns.

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