Windows 10: Connect to WiFi network using keyboard only

keyboard shortcutswindows 10

What is the quickest way to connect to a WiFi network (one that my computer knows already but is not connected to at the moment) in Windows 10 using keyboard only?

What I tried:

  1. Hit Win+B to focus taskbar, then use arrows to get to "WiFi Popup". In the "WiFi Popup", use the TAB to cycle focus. However the TAB is completely skipping the part of window in which individual WiFi networks are listed. So, it doesn't work.

  2. Going through settings. Very long and annoying process using keyboard only.


  1. What is the quickest way of doing this in Windows 10 without any 3rd party app?

  2. What 3rd party app can help me with this?

Best Answer

To connect to a Wifi network with known name xyz you can use the command-line:

netsh wlan connect name="xyz"

and to disconnect use:

netsh wlan disconnect
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